Inner Lounge

Inner Lounge

Access to this Private Community Membership only for True Self Discovery Program Graduates

Ditch the Daily Grind

Reconnect with Yourself & Your Loved Ones (Even with a Busy Schedule!)
Our membership provides a nurturing inner lounge space specifically designed for graduates of our 3-Step True Self Discovery Program. Having equipped you with the key to self-awareness in the TSDP, we continue to support your journey through this Inner Lounge. Through a combination of music, meetings, connections you'll cultivate inner peace, self care skills, and build deeper connections with loved ones and yourself. This community offers ongoing support with fresh tools and resources, keeping your journey of self-discovery exciting and ever-evolving.

Use Mind-Body Tools

Our membership equips you with a variety of proven techniques, including meditation, mindfulness practices, and communication exercises. These tools will help you: ☛ Reduce daily stress and anxiety that can strain your relationships. ☛ Develop better communication skills to strengthen connections with loved ones. ☛ Cultivate inner peace allowing you to be more present and patient with those around you.

Continue Self-Discovery Journey

Continue on the transformative journey designed to help you overcome stress and rediscover joy in your relationships. Through our membership, you'll: ☛Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your triggers, leading to more fulfilling connections.
☛Learn to manage your emotions effectively, preventing them from impacting communication.
☛Develop the self-awareness needed to build stronger, healthier relationships.

Find Inner Calm

Imagine a life where you're not constantly on edge. Our membership empowers you to achieve a state of inner calm and fulfillment, allowing you to: ☛ Break free from the cycle of stress and anxiety that can damage your relationships.
☛ Develop the tools and skills to manage difficult emotions and build stronger bonds.
☛ Become the best version of yourself and create fulfilling connections with loved ones.
*Free Access to Inner Lounge Membership only for True Self Discovery Program Graduates.

Common Challenges We Help You Overcome

Workday Stress and Anxiety
Feeling stressed about deadlines, performance anxieties, or a demanding work environment.
Communication & Connection Issues in Relationships
Difficulty connecting with loved ones, navigating trust issues, or finding harmony between work and personal life.
Focus & Concentration Challenges 
Constant distractions, unclear goals, or trouble concentrating impacting your productivity.
Overcoming Negative Self-Talk
Struggling with self-doubt, negative self-talk, or low self-esteem.

Combating Fatigue & Low Energy
Constant fatigue zapping your motivation, or difficulty finding the drive to pursue your goals.

Sleep Disruptions & Restless Nights
Insomnia disrupting your sleep, leading to exhaustion and impacting your overall well-being.
Managing Emotional Fluctuations
Unpredictable mood swings, difficulty managing emotions, or feeling emotionally overwhelmed.
Feeling Lost & Disconnected
Feeling isolated, unfulfilled, or lacking a sense of purpose in life.

Experience the Life-Changing Benefits of Chanshi Membership

Unwind, Reconnect, and Thrive

Reduced Stress & Anxiety: Find inner peace and manage daily pressures with effective stress-reduction techniques. 

Stronger Relationships: Develop better communication skills and emotional awareness, leading to deeper connections with loved ones.

Enhanced Focus & Clarity: Learn to manage distractions, set clear goals, and achieve more with improved focus and concentration.

Greater Self-Compassion: Cultivate self-acceptance and overcome negative self-talk, boosting self-esteem and promoting healthier relationships with yourself and others.

Improved Sleep & Energy Levels: Combat fatigue and sleep disruptions, allowing you to be more present and patient in your relationships.

*Free Access to Inner Lounge Membership only for True Self Discovery Program Graduates.
Content Updated/Added Regularly

Explore Our Content Library

Unwind, Reconnect & Thrive
*Free Access to Inner Lounge Membership only for True Self Discovery Program Graduates.

Live Sessions - 1 Per Week, Thursdays, 8 PM (Connect & Learn)

Join our live, interactive sessions every Thursday evening for guided meditations, Q&A sessions with our instructors, and connect with fellow members on their mindfulness journey.

Guided Meditations - 1 New Every Month (Reduce Stress & Anxiety)

Learn new meditation techniques each month specifically designed to help you manage daily stress and anxiety, promoting inner calm and a more peaceful state of mind.

Private Courses - Free Access (Build Stronger Relationships & Enhance Focus)

Our library of private courses delves deep into topics like mindful communication and emotional intelligence, equipping you with tools to build stronger relationships and improve focus, leading to a more fulfilling life.

Meditation Music - Free Access (Enhance Your Practice)

Immerse yourself in our exclusively composed calming meditation music designed to enhance your practice and deepen your meditation experience.

Virtual Chai Talk - 1 Per Month. (Connect & Unwind)

Join our monthly virtual Chai Talks where you can unwind, connect with other members in a relaxed setting, and gain valuable insights from our instructors on various mindfulness topics.

Newsletter - Monthly (Stay Inspired)

Receive monthly newsletters filled with inspirational content, mindfulness tips, and practical strategies to help you stay motivated and continue experiencing the benefits of your membership.

Access to Community - Make Inspiring Connections (Combat Loneliness & Build Support)

Connect with a supportive community of like-minded individuals on their mindfulness journey. Find encouragement, share experiences, and build meaningful connections, combating feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Additional Resources - Specialized Content (Address Specific Challenges)

 Specialized content, including articles, videos, and downloadable resources, designed to address specific challenges related to stress, relationships, focus, and overall well-being

Need Support? We're Here for You (Even During Tough Times!)

Feeling overwhelmed by stress or facing a challenge in your relationships? Don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team. We're here to provide guidance and resources whenever you need them, helping you navigate difficult moments and stay on track towards your wellness goals.

Exclusive Private Courses For TSDP Graduates


Guided Meditations 

For many tangible outcomes
*Free Access to Inner Lounge Membership only for True Self Discovery Program Graduates.

Meditation Music

Unwind, Reconnect, & Thrive: Your Personalized Chanshi Experience

Platform Features Designed to Support Your Journey

Effortless Access & Management: Your Chanshi dashboard provides a central hub to manage your membership, access all learning materials, and track your progress. This allows you to focus on your practice and avoid distractions.
Connect & Share with Like-Minded Individuals: Our vibrant community forum fosters collaboration and support. Share experiences, ask questions, and find inspiration from others on their mindfulness journey, leading to a stronger sense of belonging and reduced feelings of isolation.
Always Evolving & Up-to-Date: We're constantly adding new features, meditations, and courses to keep your practice fresh and engaging. This ensures you have access to the latest tools and techniques for managing stress and building stronger relationships.
Learn On-the-Go, No Strings Attached: Access your membership from any device, anytime. No app downloads required! This flexibility allows you to practice mindfulness and find moments of calm, even in your busy schedule.
24/7 Access to Your Well-being: Your Chanshi resources are always available, whenever you need them. Want to unwind before bed or practice mindfulness during a break? Chanshi is here to support you, day or night.
*Free Access to Inner Lounge Membership only for True Self Discovery Program Graduates.

Ready To Take The Next Step?

Start Your Journey towards Life long Sustainable Wellbeing
*Free Access to Inner Lounge Membership only for True Self Discovery Program Graduates.
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